Home "TMM" Startups "TMM" Toys LEGO To Make A “Women of NASA” Set

LEGO To Make A “Women of NASA” Set

"From hidden figures to Lego figures" - George Takei

Lego Women of NASA set

Last year LEGO hosted a “LEGO Ideas” competition to inspire new creators to compete for the chance to have LEGO manufacture the winning set. One winner, Maia Weinstock, editor for MIT News, has created a new toy set based on the “Women of NASA”. She was successful with gaining 10,000 votes and now her LEGO Ideas submission may soon hit shelves in late 2017 or early 2018 as LEGO is finalizing the design models.

“I hope it sets a new example for both girls and boys,” “Girls, in that they can and should be engineers, scientists, and mathematicians, and boys, in that they internalize at an early age that these careers are for everyone, not only men.”Maia Weinstock, US science writer for MIT News

The “Women of NASA” set features these five women that are pioneers at NASA:

  • Margaret Hamilton: a computer scientist and a coding pioneer.
  • Katherine Johnson: a physicist and mathematician who was recently portrayed by Taraji P. Henson in the movie Hidden Figures.
  • Sally Ride: an astronaut and physics professor.
  • Nancy Grace Roman: is known as the “Mother of Hubble” for her work on the telescope.
  • Mae Jemison: a medically trained astronaut and professor.
