The UK just reported that they will allow self-driving trucks to travel on its motorways this year. They have plans to use this new project to boost delivery speeds and slim down heavy traffic during those slow lanes during rush hour. Reports state that we could be seeing up to 10 driverless trucks (British lorries) on the main highways possibly this month. Chancellor George Osbourne wants to fit these driverless truck into this months budget so that Britain can mark itself as a worldwide leader of self-driving autos.
These vehicles will probably drive in clusters and keep a singular route and destination on quieter roadways. Companies like Daimler and Mercedes-Benz already have driverless trucks and have tested them on the German Autobahn 8. Germany also may be next in line since they have given them the go-ahead to test these vehicles on their roads.
Also, let’s mention the fact that the United Kingdom currently has “smart roads” for drivers to use and benefit from its features. Things like LTE, Wi-Fi, LTE-V & DSRC are amongst some of the perks that come with driving on these “smart roads”. Local universities have already gotten brands like Jaguar, Land Rover, Huawei & Vodafone have partnered with each other to test multiple strips of these roads. West Yorkshire has implemented several infrared cameras to make sure that traffic levels and speed limits are not hindering other vehicles on the road.
With all of the push to support driverless trucks (and cars too) the UK’s Department of Transportation is behind this new movement 100%. They boast that it will increase more tourism, save fuel and boost business in this country. All that has to be done now is for the Chancellor to show up on March 16th at the House of Commons.