Limbitless Solutions worked with one of Hollywood’s finest Tony Stark a.k.a. Robert Downey Jr to present a seven-year-old kid with a fully functioning bionic prosthetic arm and to also raise awareness for Albert Manero’s #CollectiveProject team. Limbitless Solutions, is a non-profit group making affordable, 3D-printed prosthetics for children. The generosity of these engineering students from the University of Central Florida doesn’t end there, as they also give away the plans so others can do the same. The limbs take 30 to 50 hours to make and they cost around $350 in materials. The groups focus on making affordable 3D-printed limbs for children eliminates the need for more expensive limbs they quickly outgrow.


Microsoft OneNote, the Collective Project, and Limbitless Solutions worked together to create a fully-functional 3D printed bionic arm modeled on Iron Man’s own gauntlet. The lucky kid Alex, got a chance to compare the new bionic arm to the original gauntlet it was based on with Robert Downey, Jr. If you’ll like support the Limbitless Solutions team and have them print out more cool arms for kids, you can donate via PayPal through their website. Enjoy the video of the meeting below, and try not to cry.


