The six months wait is over, Tim Cook finally revealed the Apple Watch to the world in the usual Apple fashion. Even though we’ve seen the Apple Watch couple of months back, the Apple Spring Forward event answered all the questions and speculations we’ve had all these while. Tim Cook revealed the Apple Watch cost, its availability and apps we can expect to see when we get our hands on one.

The Apple Watch battery life according to Cook will last for about 18 hours of “general use” before you need to charge it with its magnetic charger, this eliminates the need for a cradle or USB cable. As for the price, the Apple Watch Sport edition starts at $349 or $399 depending on size (38mm or 42mm). The regular Apple Watch will have you spending $549 to $1,049 depending on the configuration or design options you choose from. Just when you think they’re done dipping their Apple hands into your pocket, you have to fork out an extra $50 if you want the 42mm version.

If you can’t wait to get your hands on Apple’s shiny new Watch, pre-orders will open soon, with its availability in stores slated for April 24th. If you’re the kind of person that hates to wait and have some extra greens stacked in the bank, you can get the Apple Watch Edition for a ‘little’ starting price of $10,000 on April 10th. Enjoy the embedded videos below.
