Home Games Apps SwiftKey Android App Gains Two New Material Design Themes

SwiftKey Android App Gains Two New Material Design Themes


SwiftKey virtual Keyboard for Android just introduced two new themes ‘Material Dark and Material Light,’ both inspired by the Material design guidelines. In a recent post on their official site, SwiftKey states:

We designed these Material Design themes, Material Dark and Material Light, in the spirit of the upcoming Android L keyboard, but with our own unique SwiftKey touch.

The post went ahead to explain the difference between the new themes and the already existing Minimal theme in the in-ap store

This theme family is distinctly different from Minimal, which is very popular with SwiftKey users. We wanted to appeal to Minimal users who like simplicity, but also to add in the handy secondary characters and contrasting number pad, as well as surprising touches of bold color.SwiftKey

The two new themes are available for purchase in the SwiftKey in-app store, for $.99 each. If you’re interested in getting one or both, let us know what you think.Source: SwiftKey blog
