Home Games Halo 5 Guardians Beta Coming In December 27

Halo 5 Guardians Beta Coming In December 27


Xbox’s feature title Halo first released 13 years ago, 2 gaming system generations have passed since its initial release . Brace yourselves as the new Halo 5 Guardians is in the works.

The highly anticipated Xbox One exclusive Halo 5 guardians beta will be available with purchase of (Halo The Master Chief Collection) due to be released 11 November 2014.  This collection will have Halos 1,2,3 and 4, all bundled on one disc, running at 60FPS, 1080p. All games will include campaign mode as well as online multiplayer. These throwback titles will be revamped with fresh Xbox One graphics and play exactly how you remembered. Featured maps like Midship, Lockout, Ascension just to name a few will be available as playable maps on the classic halo 2 remake. 343 Industries will bring back all sorts of nostalgia with The Master Chief Collection, as well as sweet new memories to be made with Halo 5.



This should hold off the die-hard halo fans until the official release of Halo 5 Guardians- Fall of 2015


Source: IGN, Youtube
