We all can remember Microsoft Office for iOS when the company introduced it in March. But with a new update for all the Office apps — Word, PowerPoint and Excel — Microsoft has significantly upgraded what users can get for free.

The Word app, along with the other Office apps, used to only let users read documents; now they can create and edit them as well. All you need to do is sign in with a free Microsoft account. There is also Dropbox support: open, edit, and save documents from Dropbox. You can choose between the real document layout or an easy-to-read layout. Also the ability to customize charts by adding or removing chart elements such as titles, legends, axis titles and more.

For some of the basic document creations — and even a little bit of the fancy font and layout stuff, such as bullets — the app works just as you would expect it on a mobile device. Navigation is touch-friendly, and a document can be changed to fit your screen or to show a normal page layouts. Users will have to sign into a free Microsoft account to use the apps. Currently Office is free, for all iOS devices. You can unlock the full Word experience with an Office 365 subscription.
And an Android version is currently in development. Windows Phone versions are also currently available.
Sources: iTunes