Home Gadgets Google Glass Embarks on the Revolutionary Bone Conduction Technology

Google Glass Embarks on the Revolutionary Bone Conduction Technology

So… Bone Conduction is in!
One of Google Glass announcements, about a month ago, was the implementation of a bone conduction speaker in addition to the one-day battery life and many other amazing possibilities.  But the bone conduction speaker is very significant as it will allow the user to listen to what Google Glass is saying without compromising the surrounding sounds.  With the rise of pedestrian, cycling and car accidents over the last years due to distractions while using mobile phones or wearing headphones, this initiative will definitely contribute to a safer use of this device.
Photo from www.readwrite.com
And this will probably be the future of mobile phones after surpassing the ‘invasive, ‘creepy-looking’, ‘obnoxious’ – not my words – and privacy concerns that Google Glass faces nowadays.
I’m sure it will be very interesting to see the people walking around with their G Glasses (will we ever call them like that?), talking to themselves – or so it will seem – listening to music, taking pictures, recording videos, searching, recognizing…  In spite of what some people think, there is no doubt this is a really powerful and revolutionary little gadget that will completely change even more our perception towards technology.  Judge for yourselves with this “How It Feels Through Google Glass” video.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BTCoT8ajbI?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
And before saying ‘see you soon’, I would like to thank Margaret Swanton who encouraged me to write more about bone conduction applications after reading my previous post about Finis Neptune new bone conduction MP3 player.  We met on Google Plus – It’s a Google world after all…
See you soon!